Saturday, May 29, 2010
Darn I'm in a dillema over a paul smith shoe and shirt......both cost around RM100 but mcm syg gaji lak...huhu...all i can say bot items are really2 cun urrrghhh x tahan...Sayang gaji is one issue...the other issue is that by monday I'll be leaving for UKM to learn Arab if I order today, Saturday means i'll get it after 4 or 5 working days...I'll be in Bangi by then huhu.....huhu dillema dillema..

I've been wondering about life there...i read the schedule but it looks already packed plus the extra class i'll be getting due to entering the course late, so it'll be moar packed....another...can i even get out of the campus?? I haven't packed things yet!!!!! Pening2...uhuhu..but then...whatever.. chill :)